The new digital landscape. Distorted reality through Google StreetView 2018
Digital cartographies have changed our reality’s perception. Architecture becomes the field of visuality. Spatial logics go hand in hand with gaze devices. As Terra Incognita, from 16th century cartographies, condemned certain territories to their nonexistence, Google StreetView, in search of 1:1 representation, builds a new reality or a distorted one.
This research aims to figure out the architectonic and spatial conditions of Google StreetView, focusing on distortion and invisibility and their direct consequences in our landscape, city and space perception. From an analytic perspective above concepts as representation, image and digital era, research lines are defined for the realization of a practical approach to the matter. This practical laboratory draws an heterogeneous exploration framework around the links of digital and physical reality.
Based on the comparison and superposition of the distorsions and dynamics found on the actions made in the project, different interpretations of perception are proposed. The new landscape, territory and city imaginary through Google StreetView proposes a paradigm shift in the way we look, analyze, study and design architecture, city and territory today.
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Final Thesis
ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid